Moringa Native to India, this rapidly growing tree is now widely used throughout the tropics. It is this extraordinary wealth of qualities that continues to prompt investment in research, intensified planting in rural parts of the developing world and explains its well-deserved name – The Miracle Tree.

Moringa is a plant that is native to India. It is mostly grown in developing countries where the tropical weather. Moringa is fast growing and drought resistant. It’s a bushy tree with lots of bright green leaves. It’s so easy to grow and does such a good job replicating itself that in some places it is considered aggressive and invasive! Moringa is a fast-growing tree; it can reach 40 feet high, but has droopy, spindly branches, usually and hopefully weighted with long seedpods, which look sort of like a thick, ridged green bean. It’s native to South Asia, but is now cultivated all over the world, including Latin America, Southeast Asia, and West Africa.

Almost the entire tree is edible. The leaves are cooked like spinach. The seedpods are edible when young, usually boiled. The seeds are edible when immature or mature; they look sort of like tiny footballs. The seeds can also be pressed for their oil. The roots are edible, with a spicy flavor reminiscent of horseradish.

Parts of Moringa- leaves, bark, flowers, fruit, seeds, and roots can be used to cook in ton of ways. You can cook with moringa, eat it straight, or mix with your favorite dishes.

Harvested leaves are often washed with impure water which can contain bacteria and other microbes. It is important to use a natural, organic moringa brand to ensure the powder is free from any harmful substances. It has a strong Earthy, bitter taste, so it isn’t super yummy to gobble straight up, but we have no problem adding it to dishes.

Western Ghats, is committed to eco-friendly practices. We believe that a strong customer focus, an unyielding commitment to quality and an environment of curiosity and innovation is all it takes to be successful.

How We Choose Products

We go above and beyond to vet every product we sell.

That means visiting farms to see the growing conditions for ourselves, talking with farmers and business owners about their methods of product creation, and looking at the results of product purity testing.

Each product is natural, premium, consistency and quality checked & approved. So safe for you and your family.

What You Can Expect

We take our dependability seriously.

We offer a comprehensive variety of value-added moringa products but not limited to leaf powder, Dried leaves, Tea, Seeds, Seed powder, Fruit/pod powder, Flower powder and Seed oil.

Mtree Life Science Limited
Edmonton, Alberta, Canada.
+1 587 597 3399
+1 780 975 6950

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